Apple release two new iPhone 4S TV adverts

10 February, 2012 - Paul Dixon
new iPhone 4S TV advert

Apple have uploaded two new iPhone 4S TV adverts to its YouTube channel. The first, titled ‘Rock God’ shows an aspiring musician using Siri to buy a guitar, learn how to play it, invite friends over to watch his band perform, and ultimately become a ‘rock god’.

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Apple to stream Paul McCartney performance on iTunes & Apple TV

8 February, 2012 - Paul Dixon
Paul McCartney performance live on iTunes & Apple TV

Apple have today announced that it will be live streaming an exclusive Paul McCartney performance from Capitol Studios in Los Angeles. The performance, which is being held to celebrate the release of McCartney’s latest album – Kisses on the Bottom, will be available to watch for free via iTunes (Mac or PC), and on the Apple TV.

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Apple clarifies iBooks Author EULA with latest update

4 February, 2012 - Paul Dixon
iBooks Author EULA update

Since its unveiling last month, there has been a fair amount of controversy surrounding Apple’s iBooks Author – more specifically its EULA (end user license agreement), which some critics interpreted as saying that anything created with the free eBook authoring tool could only be sold in one place – the iBookstore.

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Latest Snow Leopard Security Update breaks PowerPC apps

3 February, 2012 - Paul Dixon
Snow Leopard

Depressingly, it would appear that Wednesday’s OS X Lion 10.3.7 release wasn’t the only update to cause problems for Mac users. A security update for OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, which was released at the same time, has also resulted in users venting their frustrations on Apple’s support forums.

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Apple release Mac OS X 10.7.3 and Safari 5.1.3

1 February, 2012 - Paul Dixon
Mac OS X 10.7.3

Apple have today released Mac OS X 10.7.3 – the third public update to Lion since its arrival back in July 2011. The update, which includes Safari 5.1.3, support for several new languages and a number of bug fixes, is available via Software Update or as a manual install from Apple’s website.

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Apple announce significant update to Final Cut Pro X

31 January, 2012 - Paul Dixon
Final Cut Pro X

In a press release issued earlier today, Apple have announced a “significant update” to its video editing application Final Cut Pro X. The update includes a number of improvements, such as the introduction of multicam editing, advanced chroma keying, and enhanced XML for better plug-in compatibility.

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Dixons CEO to join Apple as Senior Vice President of Retail

31 January, 2012 - Paul Dixon
Apple Retail Store Beijing

Apple have announced that Dixons Retail chief executive John Browett will be joining the company as Senior Vice President of Retail – a position left open since the departure of Ron Johnson for US department store chain J. C. Penney, back in November last year.

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Latest Flaming Lips collaboration features Siri on vocals

30 January, 2012 - Paul Dixon
iPhone 4S Siri

While I’m sure it won’t be to everyone’s taste, I quite like this new collaborative track from Oklahoma alternative rock band the Flaming Lips, Erykah Badu, and Biz Markie – not least because it features Apple’s voice-activated personal assistant Siri.

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Bill Gates: Steve had more respect for me than you may think

27 January, 2012 - Killian Bell
Bill Gates

While Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were huge rivals during their time at the top of the world’s biggest technology companies, they still managed to maintain a good friendship. Steve was always quick to point out the flaws in Microsoft’s products, but it seems that never came between them.

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