Apple releases iTunes 11.0.2 update

19 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
iTunes 11

In addition to releasing a new version of Java for OS X, and iOS 6.1.2 for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, Apple has today also released iTunes version 11.0.2. The update brings with it a number of performance and stability improvements, plus a new Composers view for music.

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Apple releases Java update for OS X after hacking attack

19 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
Software Update

Following the earlier news that a small number of its employees had their computers hacked through a Java plug-in vulnerability, Apple has released a new version of Java for OS X Mountain Lion, Lion and Snow Leopard which promises improved security by updating Java SE 6 to 1.6.0_41.

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Apple employees’ machines attacked by Chinese hackers

19 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
1 Infinite Loop

AllThingsD reports that a small number of computers owned by Apple employees were hacked through a vulnerability in the Java browser plug-in. The attack, which was first highlighted by Reuters, was apparently carried out by the same group of China-based hackers that recently targeted the machines of Facebook employees.

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Apple releases iOS 6.1.2 to fix Microsoft Exchange bug

19 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
iOS 6.1.2

Apple has today released iOS 6.1.2 for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. According to its release notes, the update fixes a Microsoft Exchange calendar bug that could result in increased network activity and reduced battery life on devices running iOS 6.1.

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Mac Pro unavailable on Apple’s European online stores

19 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
Mac Pro

Last month, Apple revealed that it was to stop selling the Mac Pro in Europe due to new regulatory rules coming into effect on the 1st of March, and that resellers had until the 18th of February to place orders for the machine. At the time it was thought that the order deadline only applied to resellers, but as of today the Mac Pro is listed as unavailable on Apple’s European online stores.

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Apple releases two new iPad TV adverts, ‘Alive’ and ‘Together’

18 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
iPad TV advert

Apple uploaded a couple of new iPad television adverts to its YouTube channel over the weekend. The two ads, which are titled ‘Alive’ and ‘Together’, and feature both the iPad and iPad mini, highlight the versatility of the devices by showcasing just a few of the 300,000+ apps available for them.

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Jonathan Ive honoured with gold Blue Peter badge

15 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
Jony Ive gold Blue Peter badge

Jonathan Ive has received some pretty illustrious awards during his time as Apple’s design chief, and now he has another to add to his collection. The BBC today announced that its Blue Peter programme, the world’s longest running children’s TV show, has honoured Ive with its highest accolade – a gold Blue Peter badge!

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NewerTech unveils miniStack MAX, an external hard drive, Blu-ray Burner, SD Card reader & more

15 February, 2013 - Killian Bell

NewerTech’s miniStack MAX went on sale through Other World Computing this week, and it’s a must-have for any Mac user. Not only does it boast a hard drive, but it also has a Blu-ray/CD/DVD reader and burner, an SD card reader, and a USB hub. It’s the all-in-one solution for your media needs.

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iOS 6.1 flaw allows users to bypass passcode lock

14 February, 2013 - Paul Dixon
iPhone passcode screen

Apple’s iOS 6.1 software has been found to include a security flaw which enables an iPhone’s passcode lock to be bypassed. The flaw, which involves a series of button taps and presses, allows a user to access the phone app, view contacts, check voicemail and look at photographs.

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