Access the WWDC 2011 session videos for free

Late last week, Apple made the session videos from WWDC 2011 available to registered developers. It currently costs £65 ($99) per year to join the iOS or Mac developer programs – if you don’t fancy paying that, but are curious to see the latest innovations in iOS and OS X you can also access the videos by joining the free Safari developer program.
All you need to do is visit the Safari Developer Program page and click on the ‘join now’ button – after ticking a few boxes and providing some personal details, you will be able to start downloading and viewing the WWDC 2011 Session Videos by visiting this page.
There are a total of 110 videos available covering the following topics: Developer Tools, Internet & Web, App Frameworks, Graphics Media & Games and Core OS. Most of the videos appear to be between 45-60mins in length, and all can be downloaded in either standard of high definition via iTunes.
If you only want to watch the WWDC 2011 Keynote, you don’t need to sign up for anything, just visit this page or subscribe to the Apple Keynotes podcast in iTunes.