Add a touchscreen to your iMac for just $200 (£130)

Steve Jobs never really liked the idea of a touchscreen iMac, because he felt that vertical displays just don’t offer a comfortable touchscreen experience. And so it’s unlikely we’ll see a desktop – or even a notebook for that matter – with a touchscreen from Apple for some time. But for just $200 (approx. £130), you can purchase an accessory that adds a touchscreen to your existing iMac in just 10 seconds.
The Zorro Macsk, a new product from Chinese company TMDtouch, is a cover for your 21.5-inch iMac’s display that uses infrared technology to deliver touch-based input – either using your fingers or a stylus. According to its creators, it takes just 10 seconds to install; you simply sit it atop your iMac.

Once installed, the Zorro Macsk connects to your iMac via USB, and allows you to interact with it using Apple’s standard multitouch gestures; the same ones you’d use on a MacBook trackpad, or the Magic Trackpad. Essentially, the Zorro Macsk turns the tip of your finger into a mouse cursor.
Admittedly, I was skeptical that the Zorro Macsk would be all that affective considering it’s hardly that expensive. But the demonstration video below seems to prove me wrong:
Unfortunately, the Zorro Macsk isn’t available for the 27-inch iMac just yet. But according to Cult of Mac, a larger model is in production at the moment. The device is currently available to order from, and it comes in a variety of colors, including green, white, black, pink, blue, or the standard silver.