Apple release new iPhone 4S TV advert – Santa

Apple have just uploaded a new festive TV advert to their YouTube channel. Titled ‘Santa’, it features Santa Claus using Siri on the iPhone 4S to plan the busiest night of his year – getting directions, checking the weather, and looking for his naughty or nice list.
Transcript of the advert:
Santa: How do I get to Charlie Grant’s house?
Siri: Here are directions to Charlie Grant’s house.Santa: Is it cold in Santa Fe… Raleigh… Cleveland… tonight?
Siri: Really cold, down to about 14 degrees.Santa: Find that email with the naughty or nice list.
Siri: New message from Mrs Claus – go easy on the cookies.
Santa: how does the rest of my day look?
Siri: You have 3.7 billion appointments.
Personally, I think it’s great to see Apple put out a lighthearted advert like this, and of course Santa would use Siri – he needs all the help he can get. What do you think of the ad?