Apple shows its support for World AIDS Day

Photo courtesy of Robert Gershinson.
In line with previous years, Apple is once again lending its support to World AIDS Day. The Cupertino company is promoting its range of (PRODUCT) RED merchandise at its retail stores, and a number of the store’s iconic Apple logo signs, including Regent Street London, have had their colour changed to red.
(PRODUCT) RED is a business initiative co-founded by U2 singer Bono and Bobby Shriver in 2006, to support the Global Fund in its fight against AIDS in Africa. When a customer buys a special PRODUCT (RED) branded item a percentage of the purchase price is donated to the Global Fund.
Apple currently sells (PRODUCT) RED versions of the iPod shuffle, iPod nano, iPod touch, iPad Smart Case & Smart Cover, and an iPhone 4S Bumper.
The company has also placed a prominent World AIDS Day banner on the home page of its website. Clicking on the banner takes you to (RED)’s World AIDS Day page, which includes a promotion for a special fundraising iTunes album.
[Via: The Next Web]