Artworks inspired by Apple products

In light of Brooklyn-based artist Kyle McDonald recently making the news for secretly taking photos of Apple Store customers for one of his artworks, I thought it would be interesting to look at other artworks that have been inspired by Apple products. The works featured range from traditional sculpture to interactive multimedia installations.

Wow-pod interactive media sculpture by Electroboutique (Aristarkh Chernyshev & Alexei Shulgin).
Artist statement: “wowPod is an artistic interface for an iPod. Plug your iPod into wowPod and enjoy artistic mega-consumption unknown before.”

Waiting for Google iPad controlled installation by Brian Kane.
Artist statement: “You can speed it up, slow it down, stop it or even make it go backwards, but you can’t make it go away.”

iPod Painting by Gautam Rao.
Gautam has produced a number of oil paintings featuring Apple products and OS X icons.

Finger Painting on the Apple iPad by David Kassan.
Artist statement: “A quick Apple ipad live fingerpainting demo that I streamed live from my Brooklyn studio on Monday June 21st. 2010, The model sat for 3 hours as I painted and answered questions on how I use the iPad and the Brushes app. Just thinking of creative uses for the ipad.”

Applemac Classic marble sculpture on a metal framed computer table by Tom Allan.
Artist statement: “The classic shape of the early Applemac, immortalised in beautiful (and very heavy!) Carrara marble.”

Book Burning photography/scanography print by Michael Tompert.
Artist statement: “The images are large scale yet microscopic, providing a canvas for contemplating our relationship with fetish, fashion, freedom and bondage.”

Framing Exercise digital print by Artie Vierkant.
The image above shows a detail from the 65″ x 42″ print, which was created from screen grabs of an OS X window.

3G International light sculpture by Electroboutique (Aristarkh Chernyshev & Alexei Shulgin).
Artist statement: “A giant distorted iPhone 3G, shaped as Tatlin’s Monument to the 3d International. Tatlin’s work is considered one of the avant-garde icons, whereas iPhone is a bright techno-consumerist icon of today.”
Have you discovered any Apple inspired artworks? Share them by leaving a comment below.