Google’s Pixel Chromebook forces Apple to change the way it markets Retina MacBook Pro

With its limited capabilities and premium price tag, it seems unlikely that Google’s recently introduced Pixel Chromebook will have much of an effect on the sales of Apple’s MacBook Pro with Retina display, but it has forced the Cupertino company to alter the way it markets its high-resolution notebook.
Apple’s 13-inch and 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro models boast screens with pixel densities of 220ppi and 227ppi respectively, leading Apple to advertise them with the slogan “the highest-resolution notebook ever. And the second highest”.

However, with Google’s new machine boasting a display with an even higher pixel density of 239ppi, it would appear that Apple has been forced to change the slogan.

So far, the change has only been made on the company’s US website, but it seem likely that it will be altered on its other country-specific sites too.
Launched last month, and retailing for £1049 ($1,299), the Pixel runs Google’s Linux-based operating system Chrome OS – which is designed to work exclusively with web apps. Essentially, Chrome OS is a faster, simpler, and ultimately more limited operating system compared to the likes of Mac OS X and Windows.