iPhone app will reveal the location of £2000 of buried gold coins

Inspired by Masquerade – a book released in the UK in the early 80s containing clues revealing the location of a buried golden hare, app developers Candid Innovations claim to have buried £2000 of gold sovereign coins somewhere in the UK. The location of the coins will be revealed by solving a series of clues contained in an upcoming iPhone app.
Details about the app and when it will be released is currently unknown. The only information available comes in the form of this teaser video, which was uploaded to the developer’s YouTube channel yesterday:
If the app manages to capture the imagination as much as the book did, then I’m sure Candid Innovations will be onto a winner. I’m just hoping it ends better than Masquerade did – apparently, rather than solving the clues, the person who discovered the hare found out its approximate location thanks to his business partner – whose girlfriend had previously lived with the author of the book – Kit Williams.
As soon as more information is revealed about Candid Innovations app I will post it here.
Update: the iPhone app containing the clues is The Grapevine, which costs £1.99.
[Via Pocket Lint]