iTunes 10.4.1 update now available

Late yesterday, Apple released an update to iTunes which takes it to version 10.4.1. The update, which is available via Software Update, appears to address a number of bugs, including delays opening iTunes after a sleep, and unresponsiveness whilst buying HD movies.
From Apple’s iTunes 10.4.1 support page:
iTunes 10.4.1 provides a number of improvements, including:
- Fixes a problem where the media keys on some third-party keyboards work inconsistently with iTunes
- Addresses issues with adding artwork to songs and videos
- Resolves an issue which may cause iTunes to become unresponsive when purchasing an HD movie
- Fixes a problem where iTunes may take longer than expected to open after waking your Mac from sleep
- Addresses issues with VoiceOver support
The 10.4.1 update can also be downloaded from Apple’s support site, along with versions for Windows.