Roundup of early OS X Mountain Lion reviews

OS X Mountain Lion only hit the Mac App store a few hours ago, but many of the tech journalists who were given early access to the new software, have begun to publish their reviews. In this post we’ve put together excerpts from five of those reviews, which will hopefully help you to decide whether or not to upgrade yet.
Nilay Patel – The Verge
“Mountain Lion is the first version of OS X to deeply integrate network services at every level, from storing documents to sharing photos to connecting external displays, and it seems that much lighter for it — as though Apple’s relentless charge into its post-PC era has allowed the OS X team to rethink exactly what a PC is and should be.” – Full review
Shane Richmond – Telegraph
“Mountain Lion represents an upgrade that makes it much easier to work seamlessly between Apple devices and simplifies more of the tedious tasks of computer maintenance.” – Full review
Brian Heater – Engadget
“Does Mountain Lion justify its $20 price tag? Yes. Of course it does. If you’re an OS X user with a reasonably new piece of hardware, stop what you’re doing and upgrade now. There are 200 features here — odds are you’re going to discover a couple you like.” – Full review
Jason Snell – Macworld
“All told, I found Mountain Lion to be a stable, solid release. Even prerelease builds were far more stable than I’ve come to expect from OS X betas, leading me to wonder if Apple’s new annual schedule is leading to more careful incremental updates (with fewer bugs) rather than great leaps (with more, nastier bugs).” – Full review
David Pogue – New York Times
“Over all, Mountain Lion shows that Apple is continuing to unify its ecosystem — to bring the same apps, interfaces and data to all Apple gadgets. It’s a calculated, evilly smart way to make staying within the Apple family even more desirable, comfortable and useful.” – Full review
Remember, if you do decide to upgrade, make a full backup of your system before you start. And if there’s a piece of third-party software that you simply can’t live without, make sure that it’s OS X Mountain Lion compatible.