SimCity for Mac launching on the 11th of June

EA and Maxis today officially confirmed that the Mac edition of SimCity will be available to download via Origin on the 11th June, with pre-purchasing starting tomorrow. In addition, customers who already own the PC version of the game will be able to download the Mac edition at no extra cost.
Rather than porting the PC version over to the Mac, EA says that Maxis has created a native version optimised for OS X, which perhaps explains why us Mac users have had to wait a few months longer for it than our PC owning friends.
As is the case with SimCity for the PC, both standard and deluxe versions of the title will be available for the Mac, and the game supports cross-platform play – meaning PC and Mac users build cities alongside each other.
SimCity for Mac requires a system with at least an Intel Core 2 processor, running OS X 10.7.5 Lion or later. EA says it hasn’t yet determined whether it will have Retina display support or not.
I’m definitely going to be getting a copy, what about you?